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In the midst of all of the packing advice, travel excitement, nerves, and new friendships, i didn’t have much of a chance to process goodbyes. I didn’t make time to prepare myself to say goodbye to my best friends for 9 months. Or to process that I won’t get to hug my family until next may. This week has been filled with goodbyes. My friends are heading off to learn, and grow, and do amazing things in college. And i am now driving home after moving my brother into his first apartment. If i’m being honest, it feels as if i am preparing to be left out of a whole chapter of their lives. And that’s hard. I almost feel guilty for leaving them for so long. But. Everyone needs different things at different times in order to grow. God has called me to the World Race, so I know this is what I need right now to grow into who i’m supposed to be. This is where the Lord wants me. Despite the heartache of missing my home, i trust Him. And i’m so incredibly excited to build new relationships and to get the privilege of loving my sweet team. My friend Abigail reminded me of something we were told at boot camp “When you leave there is going to be a gap. This gap leaves room for God to move and do something amazing in the lives of those you are leaving.” I keep reminding myself of this, not only will i be leaving a gap at home for God to do something amazing, but there will also be a gap in my own heart for God to move. I want to be real with this blog, and you guys. So, yes saying goodbye is so hard, but i’m so excited for new hellos. And new beginnings. And new growth. 


P.S. i wrote this blog about two weeks ago, i am now only a day out from leaving for Georgia!!

6 responses to “Making space for God to move”

  1. You have grown into an amazing young woman and I am so proud of you! Even though we are not able to see you on a daily or weekly or even monthly basis since we live a little distance apart this time it will be harder (inour hearts and minds) to not see you. But we shall all be fine knowing that the Heavenly Father who called you to this will be watching over you. Stay safe and healthy and go into this venture knowing that we all love you and will hold you in prayer daily. Spread the love of God!

  2. Peyton!!! Really encouraged by this. God spoke right through you to my heart. So thankful!

  3. So proud of you, Peyt! Your heart of surrender is so inspiring. God is going to do a WORK through you! ??

  4. Peyt! So true and so much heartache! But the Lord walks with us through that. I love you and i’ll see ya so soon!!!

  5. Peyton, “Where I am, there my servant also will be” (John 12:26). If we are truly servants of Jesus, our daily work is nothing more than choosing to be with him, yet this demands of us a closely related question: Where is Jesus, and where should I be if I want to find him at work in my life and community? For some the answer to this question may take a lifetime, for you, God knocked and you answered his call! Peace and prayers as you embark on your journey with a servant heart! AGAPE beautiful ??

  6. Hi my names Gary, you popped up on my fyp and I decided to check out your page Bc of your love for God and how gorgeous you are. Anyways I ended up clicking the link and read your blog and all the comments and even read into the world race a little bit Bc I’ve never heard of it. My junior year In high school I left all my friends and moved to Minnesota to attend Hillcrest academy witch is a private Christian boarding school and it changed my life, leaving my friends was hard but it was so worth it for the relationship I gained with God. Anyways moral of the story, Gods got a plan and your friends will still be your friends when you get back. Also if you want, Snapchat me @notgarycollins1 🙂