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Thoughts & Inspiration

I was watching a movie the other day, and one of the characters said something that I think helped me understand my relationship with Jesus a little better. He said, “We accept the love we think we deserve.” I’ve never understood why Jesus died on the cross while we were still sinners. He gave His life for us knowing we may never choose Him. And that’s just the thing, we don’t deserve His love. We didn’t deserve His perfect life. And still, He so freely gave it. That is why it’s so hard to understand. 

There’s this common saying, “God’s love overflows.” I like to think of myself standing next to a giant teacup. Climbing that cup, pulling myself over the rim, to look in and see the tea inside. That is the love I deserve. A love that is unobtainable, because I am covered in oil, and I keep slipping on the perfect porcelain of the teacup. Me, a broken human, stained with the things of this world, attempting to “deserve” the love of the Lord. Instead, I stand in awe looking up at the teacup as the tea overflows, pouring onto me; covering me, but so gently and so steadily that I cannot be hurt. I don’t have to climb the teacup. I don’t have to deserve the love of my savior, because He freely gives it. He freely gave His life, as He freely gives His love. 

I have never tasted anything sweeter than the substance of that teacup; Nothing sweeter exists.


One response to “God Doesn’t Just Spill the Tea, He Pours It”

  1. Peyton, this blog entry makes me think of two favorite concepts from The Bible… The first, of course, is Psalm 23. David recounts many ways in which God blesses him even in the darkest of times and exclaims that his cup runs over with those blessings. How wonderful to be in tune with David’s sentiment on this! But that always reminds me of Mary, Jesus’ mother, in her time spent with her cousin, Elizabeth… After hearing the words Elizabeth exclaims over the way Mary is blessed and will bless, Mary offers a song of praise known as the Magnificat (starting in Luke 1:46). Mary exclaims that her soul magnifies The Lord–the very core of her nature is making God appear and be perceived as bigger and bigger to her. Her soul magnifying God is like David’s cup running over and like your teacup spilling over. Beautiful pictures of God’s lavish and abundant care for us and of your perception of that unbounded grace and care for you! It will carry you far and encourage you in the tough times, friend!