
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Two days, and wow have they been good. I’ve been at the adventures in missions base for two full days now, and I couldn’t be more grateful. My squad and I will be staying here in Georgia for four weeks, preparing to go on the mission field. After the four weeks we depart for domestic missions in Louisiana for two weeks. Then, finally, on November 5, we board the plane to Guatemala! 

This week, we used Sunday as a sabbath. Let’s just touch on that for a second. I had absolutely no idea what a sabbath was before this weekend. I learned that to sabbath can mean to rest, or exercise, read, and more. This Sunday I got into the word, worked out, and got to have some really good conversations with friends. Sunday was a day for rest, and man am I glad I had that time to prepare for the week ahead. Yesterday my schedule looked like this:

7:30- wake up

7:55- breakfast 

9:00- devo time

10:00- session (Someone comes in to give a message)

12:00- cleaning

12:30- lunch

1:30- freetime 

3:00- squad time (this is where we do something with the whole squad of 46)

5:00- dinner

6:00- team time( this is time i get to talk with and spend time with my 5 sweet teammates, abigail, grace, liz, kristy, juls, and our leader anna. 

7:00- free time for the rest of the night (workout/shower/hang out with friends/watch tv/order food/worship/etc.)

No one would believe me if i told you what percentage of the day I spend laughing here. I don’t think i’ve gone more than five minutes without smiling. I mean obviously I don’t smile while i’m sleeping but, you get the point. This place and these people bring me so much joy… and it’s only been TWO DAYS. What a blessing. Despite the amount of time that i’m laughing, i’m also learning… so much. Learning so much about myself, and people, and most of all God. It’s a whole different kind of interesting when you are learning about the creator of the world. It’s like revealing the secrets of the world, while at the same time digging deeper into your soul, and seeing yourself through God’s eyes. It’s honestly indescribable… I guess you’ll just have to experience it for yourself 😉

I miss my family and the comfort of home. I miss sleeping in an actual bed, and being indoors for more than three hours a day. I also miss good water pressure and not having over fifteen bug bites at once. BUT it has been so worth it. I am already seeing the fruit of this season, and i’m loving it. 

Thanks God for this sweet time, and these sweet people. 


3 responses to “Episode 5: The One Where We’re In Georgia”

  1. Glad to see you are off and running. Hoping that you all have a great time and get to know new friends. Was glad to have you as part of my mission crew the last year before covid hit. Be safe and we are all proud of you and your devotion to Gods work. Be safe my friend.

  2. Hey, beautiful Petyon! I am Abby’s mom. I enjoyed reading your blog. I love your joy and I pray it is contagious to those around you. I will be praying for your journey! 🙂

  3. My sweet Peyton, ever since Dad and I dropped you off at the airport last Saturday morning (on 9/11 of all days?) I have been re-reading and re-reading your blogs each time I miss you – which is a lot. All I can do every time is smile!! At the same time, my eyes well up with happy tears and I simultaneously have a huge lump in my throat because I miss you so very much already. I have gone into your room several times this week longing for you to be here with us, seeing all the things that speak of you, smell like you, makes me smile. I have found myself
    SMILING so much since you left. I know that might sound weird, but your journey with God has created a journey for me with Him, one that I didn’t know I was going to have. Your courage to listen to God’s calling to take you away from us for 9 months, has made me feel closer to you. Now, I also realize that you are bringing me
    closer to Him too! So no matter how far away you are or how homesick you might get from time to time, know that you are not alone in more ways than one. We are on this journey together. I love you my beautiful girl & thank you for giving me this new chapter and for making me Smile!